Andi Perejda is an award-winning quilt maker, teacher and NQA Certified Quilt Judge. Her quilts have been shown nationally and internationally over the past twenty-five years. She is best known for her hand quilting and hand appliqué, however her interests are not limited to these. She is currently active in two fiber art groups in California, Fibervision and Cutting Edge, and is a member of Studio Art Quilt Associates. Her work has been exhibited in numerous gallery and museum shows over the past decade. Andi teaches two classes online through
Andi earned her NQA judge’s certification in 2003. She is a founding member of the NACQJ (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges), which replaced the NQA’s judging program when it closed. She has judged quilt competitions across the United States. A full resume is available upon request.